Wednesday, August 31, 2011

First order from

So I got online last week and decided to check out since I learned that you can use paypal to pay for things. (paypal is the only way that I pay for things online as I do not have a credit card). But I did find some really cute things and a few other things that I will be ordering in the furture (a ergo carrier, diapers..etc).

Anywhere, here is the cute little outfit that I bought.

The long sleeve onesie says Mommie's Big Guy on it. I'm really wanting to bring my little man home in this, but DS #1 was a 7lb 14oz 19in baby so he was able to wear newborn things and 0-3 month things were still a little big. I don't know yet how big this little man will be, but I'm expecting him to be in the 8lb range. I don't think I'll use the pants tho, as I want to use footed pants so I don't have to hassle with socks. I'm also considering just a footie sleeper to bring him home in. Just not sure. We'll know what we want to bring him home in closer to November as the weather will be drastically different by then.

Not too much else to say, but isn't that such a cute outfit?


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

What a weekend

So, I spent the weekend at my parents house. I honestly wanted to shoot myself after the first night thanks to my nephews. Ok so I'll call them nephew's A & B.

Nephew A, is 5 years old and in kindergarten this year. He's from my SIL's first relationship. His father is in jail due to not paying child support. Now, I do feel bad for the child as I understand that having a parent in jail who you don't get to see is hard, BUT he is such a RUDE child. At 5 (turning 6 in Dec), he should know how to ask for things in a NICE manner. He also doesn't listen very well at all either. You ask him to do something and he just stands there and smiles and says "NO!". Or when he wants more food, he takes his plate, shoves it in your face and says "MORE!". Then walks away w/o even saying a word. I wanted to slap him for being so damn rude to my parents.

Now, nephew B, is 3 years old. Now, I understand he is still really young, but this child askes for candy from the moment he wakes up to the moment he goes to bed. O.M.G. I want someone to smack some sense into that kid. You can't even tell him no because he just askes about a million more times why he can't have any and that he really likes candy so he wants some. I've talked to my brother about this and he says "it makes him happy"....DOESN'T MAKE IT RIGHT!!!

Glad they are NOT my kids.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

A recipe I found in Reminisce Magazine

Cowboy Stew

  • 2 lbs ground beef
  • 4 cans (16oz each) baked beans
  • 8 hot dogs, sliced
  • 1/2 cup barbecue sauce
  • 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese

In dutch oven, cook beef over medium heat until no long pink; drain. Stir in the remaining ingredients. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat; cover and simmer for 4-6 minutes or until flavors are blended.
Makes 11 servings.

This has a few other great recipes that I don't really feel like typing them out.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

another day of evaluating

Again today we get to host these ladies in our home and come up with a "family plan". I'm trying to come up with some questions that we can ask them because I always feel stupid when neither of us have any questions at all. I guess I want to know if he'll be able to talk at all or if he'll need to have some sort of special tests done to see if he's had more hearing loss or if something more is wrong with my lil man.

UGH....hate having to deal with all this. My mother is really annoying about the whole thing. "All this because he won't talk huh" mother. It's a much deeper problem then that. I know one of the drs had suggested a hearing aid. He's been fitted, but who knows when we will actually get it on him.

Luckily, I've got lil man wearing his glasses today. He's been needing to wear them for a good while, and just hasn't. I don't want to be apart of the problem, so making him wear them today.

Not too much else is going on other then that. Feel like I'm just busy as a bee when I'm not even at work. I do go back tomorrow, but not ready for it. Really wish I could be a stay at home mom again. I'm not gonna want to go back to work after the new baby gets here.

Guess we'll have to see how it all goes.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

another looong day

Today we had some ladies over at the house to evaluate our son. He has been having problems with his speech and they wanted to come and see if we needed to do an intervention to help him out. We basically learned our son has special needs, but I guess it worries my BF more then me. I don't want my son to fall behind or to be made fun of when he gets older, but for now I just want him to get caught up & get back on track. So, I hope all this stuff helps.

As for everything else, I have so much stuff going on this week, I just can't wrap my head around it. Wedding this weekend and then I gotta figure out how I wanna do my hair....thinkin' I'm gonna just chop it. Also, right now I'm watching Teen Mom & I just wanna punch some of these girls in the face. My word, Farrah can stop treating her dad like crap any time now and Maci is stupid for thinking another baby would be a great way to pass the time why the other is away....:::headdesk:::

Monday, August 22, 2011

My first real blog

I used to blog a lot, but now I have a REAL blog that I can write how I really feel about being an unmarried mother of 1 & 1 on the way. I'm actually 23 weeks pregnant today (8/22/11), and everything has been going pretty well thus far. This pregnancy was a surprise, just like the first one was. We found out that we are having another little boy, which I'm excited about! Don't have so much stuff to buy & can reuse all the things that we have left over from our first little boy.

Other then that, there is not too much to know about me. I'm basically an open book & love hearing what others have to say.