I've been VERY bad about blogging lately. UGH...I know I know. But without a computer to type on, typing on my iPhone gets really annoying.
BUT tomorrow my brother should be bringing back my computer from Dustin, and I can not be more excited! I really really REALLY hope it stays working for a while now.
The Hunger Games
I know that I've been obsessing about this darn book & movie for the past few weeks, but I can't wait until next weekend. And really, for those who have no read the book, READ IT! It is a fast and easy read and it's an awesome book. It's nothing like Twilight or Harry Potter, but it's def much better. This is actually something that COULD possibly happen in the future.
I am a little embarressed tho. I mean, I have become completely obessed with this book & the movie (that's out next week) and I feel like a little high school girl...or even a little 7th grader. Sad, I know. I guess I'm just really excited that this movie is coming out. I seriously NEVER obsessed over a movie before. Well, not going as far as to buy something FROM that movie. Like a pillow case...cough cough...
Flashback Friday
Ok, enough of that...here is a few pictures for FF.
This picture was taken senior year of high school. I look crappy in it but that's alright. As you can see, I am making fun of Jessica Simpson in this picture. This was back when she was married to Nick Lachey and they had their own tv show called The Newly Weds.
I really can't remember where I found this shirt at...I'm surprised it even fit to be honest...but I though it was funny. So I decided to go with it and hold up a can of Chicken of the Sea tuna.
I still can't believe how skinny I was back in the day. I was 18 in this picture, so about 8 years ago.
And for whatever reason, I was completely obessed with making pictures be in black and white. I really don't do too many b&w pictures anymore, but I do like them.
And for the heck of it, here is a picture of me on my 22nd birthday. I didn't really do a lot for my 21st birthday, so I lived it up when I turned 22. This is taken outside of my parents house. I'm carrying my shoes lol. Those suckers KILLED my feet. They were not yet broken in....BIG mistake. Now I like to wear more comfortable shoes when I go out...well...comfortable heals anyway.
It's also kind of funny to look at my hair in these pics. I used to get my hair done ALL THE TIME. I mean, like every 3-4 months.....I think I've said this before??....anyway, I'm lucky if I get my hair cut once or twice a year! haha.
Ok, well, there is my flashback :) hehe I actually found a few more, but I'll save them for next time.....welll....maybe just one more...
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