So, I spent the weekend at my parents house. I honestly wanted to shoot myself after the first night thanks to my nephews. Ok so I'll call them nephew's A & B.
Nephew A, is 5 years old and in kindergarten this year. He's from my SIL's first relationship. His father is in jail due to not paying child support. Now, I do feel bad for the child as I understand that having a parent in jail who you don't get to see is hard, BUT he is such a RUDE child. At 5 (turning 6 in Dec), he should know how to ask for things in a NICE manner. He also doesn't listen very well at all either. You ask him to do something and he just stands there and smiles and says "NO!". Or when he wants more food, he takes his plate, shoves it in your face and says "MORE!". Then walks away w/o even saying a word. I wanted to slap him for being so damn rude to my parents.
Now, nephew B, is 3 years old. Now, I understand he is still really young, but this child askes for candy from the moment he wakes up to the moment he goes to bed. O.M.G. I want someone to smack some sense into that kid. You can't even tell him no because he just askes about a million more times why he can't have any and that he really likes candy so he wants some. I've talked to my brother about this and he says "it makes him happy"....DOESN'T MAKE IT RIGHT!!!
Glad they are NOT my kids.
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