Friday, February 17, 2012

Just A Short Update

It's been about a week or so since I last posted anything on here. My computer has been acting up so I am at my parents house with it waiting to take it in to my brothers best friend tomorrow to have him fix it...I hope.

Anyway, there really hasn't been a whole lot going on with me lately. Like I said, I'm at my parents house for the weekend. I will be getting a new phone tomorrow...yey!!! :) I think I'm just going to get the iPhone4s. My mother keeps hounding me on which phone I'm going to be getting and the answer is always the same...and she says "the iPhone or the smartphone?"...oh mother. Somethings I worry about you.

Flashback Friday
Since it is Flashback Friday and I'm able to get some pictures up on the computer, thought I would share them :)

This lovely picture was from......oh geez......maybe the 2nd or 3rd grade??..Maybe?? I really don't remember. This was me and a group of girls up at the high school doing the dance team workshop. Each group would learn a dance and perform it for their parents. We also had one big performance done by everyone. Man...I think I did this every year until I was too old to do it.

As you can see, I was just a scrony little thing, with very white chicken legs. lol I refused to have bangs for a good portion of my life, so of course that makes my forehead look gigantic! What's funny is I think all the girls in my group are who I graduated with from high school. haha!

For whatever reason, I just LOVE this picture. haha. Yes, that is a keg. Yes it is hanging from a brick wall, and yes, it is outside. haha. It's actually a mailbox :) I was with a big group of my family members when we stumbled across this little baby...I also had a few drinks, but that's besides the point. I get a little sad when I see this picture because I am wearing my FAVORITE jeans. --that I will NEVER fit back into-- This was taken in March of 2007. Crazy to look at these and see how skinny I was. And all the stuff that I used to do to my hair! haha.

On a side note, before I met Ray, I honestly used to tan almost every day, get my nails done every 2 weeks and would get my hair colored every 3-4 months. haha I'm lucky if I can get my hair cut & colored once or twice a year! hahaha.

Here is another picture from of basically the same thing, but with my bestie cousin, Laura.

We were trying to drink from it...or atleast waiting to see if beer would flow from it.

Alright, that's enough flashback friday for one night :) haha.

Babies Babies Babies!
Alright, so Thursday (Feb. 16) morning, Ray's sister-in-law had her baby. Kasten Edward 8lbs 2.1oz 20 in long. He's super adorable. --but to be honest, I'm really unsure about their name choice....Kasten??....I've looked all over...haven't found the meaning of it yet.--

And then, tonight my grandma called my mother and told her that my cousin Jessie had her baby at 3:10 this morning!! YEY!! Sofia Luella 6lbs 11oz. I saw her picture on facebook and she is just adorable!! (not sure if she has red hair like Jessie's husband, but we will find out soon enough!)

Alright, I think that is about it for me tonight. I think tomorrow I may try to figure out a way to change my background on my blog...unsure. I may just leave it because I'm too lazy to work on it.

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