Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Susie Singer

WOW....it has been a good while since I have gotten to blog. Stupid computer!

Anyway, much has been going on lately. I have finally gotten my tax return back and I couldn't be more happy. I've already bought a few things for the house and can't wait to buy more! I bought the 2 bookcases that I wanted. The 4 shelf one, we already have put together and full of our movies. The 5 shelf one won't be put together yet until I get a few other things. (I need to move some stuff around before I can have the bookcase where I want it. I then bought a new lamp for the living room and bought my big mirror that I've been wanting for YEARS now. (Family Dollar has giant mirrors for $20! Great deal if you ask me)

Susie Singer
Also with all these things, I also managed to buy a sewing machine. I'm actually pretty excited about it. I took a sewing class back when I was about...oh, 12 or 13 maybe?? Possibly 11. And I haven't really used a sewing machine since....but now that I have kids, I think it is seriously time that I get back into the swing of things and reteach myself how to sew. I'm also going to learn to knit and crochet (sp?). I need something that is considered "mine" again. I mean, I can't sit and read books forever, but I want to teach myself something!

Now, I didn't run to the store and buy a brand new sewing machine. I had planned on doing this, but when I mentioned to one of my co-worker friends that I was looking into them, she offered to sell me one of hers. They are moving and need to downsize. So for $50 dollars I got a machine, the instructions, some pins and a case...and a few little things. But all in all, it was a good buy. I can't wait to fire this thing up :)

I can't believe how much William has been growing! I weighed him on the 4th, and he was 11lbs 4oz. (This is with clothes & clean diaper on) Then today, (the 7th) I weighed him and he wa 12lbs on the dot!!! My baby boy is growing so fast! I can't believe how much weight he has gained! He will be 2 months on Friday and he goes to the dr on Monday. Can't wait to see how much he has gained in that amount of time. (Just remember, I weigh him by weighing myself then weighing him with me and subtracting to get the difference. Clothes will make all the difference with this when we go to the dr)

I know I haven't posted many pictures on my blog latey....my computer has been a pain and I can't get things to load. Hopefully on Friday I'll be able to post Will's 2 month picture!

No Show
Well, today Betty Jo was supposed to come to the house. She was supposed to be here ar 1. Well....it's almost 3 o'clock and still no word from BJ. I am a little worried that maybe something happened since it did manage to snow last night, but I'm pretty sure someone would have called to give us the news by now. Oh well, the house looks like complete crap right now, so her not coming doesn't really bother me too much.

Giants All The Way!
I was right. Did anyone listen to me?? Nooooooo, of course they didn't. I told them, the Giants are going to win the SuperBowl. Did anyone believe me? No. Everyone doubted me and "booed" me on my facebook for cheering on the Giants. But guess what?? THE GIANTS WON BABY!!! YEA!!! I really just want to write on their walls and say "EAT IT!" haha. But I won't. All my friends are sore losers and can't lose with grace. **eye roll**

Anything else??....Hmmmm....I still have not bought myself a new phone...I'm getting pretty pissed off about it actually. As I'm writing this, my phone is out in my car charging because Colby decided to EAT through my wall charger. And as you know, you can't find chargers for OLD phones anymore. Did I mention there is snow on the ground?? Colby did finally get to use his snow boots today! He went outside to help Ray scoop the walk. I think he enjoyed himself!

Pretty sure there is not much else to say. Colby of course has been acting out...as always. He really does drive me up a wall. I love him, I really do. I just don't understand why he does some of the things that he does. He still chews on pretty much EVERYTHING. I mean, he destroyed a chapstick because he chewed on the lid, got it off and chewed on the stick....really child?

I will say, that I am very proud of myself. William is 8 weeks old (almost 2 months) and I am STILL breastfeeding. :) YEY! ~happy dance~ I'm rather shocked that I have made it this far to be completely honest. Breastfeeding is not the easiest thing in the world, and to have made it this long already, I'm really impressed with myself. I only made it about 5 weeks with Colby. I think if I made it to 3 months, I'm going to reward myself. With what? I'm unsure. But I will find something.

Oh yes, Ray's nephew will be here next week Thursday! YEY!! Feb. 16 will be a busy day for us!

1 comment:

  1. Have fun with your sewing machine! I made myself quite a few purses in high school, oh and pj pants, those are really easy!
