Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Another Blog?! AHHH!!

Yes, it's true. I have decided to make another blog. This blog is about my home life, my boys, my job..etc. This new blog is a little more out there. It's about my sex life...or lack there of actually.

It's called Motherhood Sex. I've just started the blog so there really isn't much there. Yet.  But I plan to make the blog great. I know there are many woman out there, well, mothers out there, that aren't having sex. For whatever reasons that may be, I plan to find them. I plan to look into them. I plan on researching these things. I think I may just choose to interview a few of my friends and co-workers to get some of the lowdown on motherhood sex.

Please!! Follow my new blog! I'm unsure how often I will write or how often I will keep it up, but I really hope that this new blog will be a great experience for me and many who decide to read it.

I love writing so I'm really hoping to expand my journalism skills.

That's all for now! Chao!

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