Monday, December 12, 2011



Can't believe my little man is here already!!

I started having contractions around 5:30 Friday afternoon then around 6:30 I started timing then and they were pretty consistant. I was getting concerned because I couldn't get comfortable sitting, standing, laying down. Nothing. So I took a warm bath to see if that would help at all. It helped me relax, but definately didn't ease the pain of the contractions whatsoever. I decided that I should give Ray a call and tell him that I wasn't feeling super great and that I would be calling the hospital to see if they wanted us to come in or not. I wanted to wait until he was off of work and at home, but he wouldn't have been home until after 10.

So around 9 I decided it was time to call the hospital. They said that I should come on in and they would check me out. I called Ray, told him to get home so we could go. He, of course, was saying he still had atleast 45 minutes of work left but luckily a coworker told him to just go. So I got Colby ready to go, Ray got home, we grabbed a few things and off we went. I just kept contracting in the car on the way up so that really sucked.

When we got there about 10:15, they were ready for us, thank goodness. I got hooked up to the machine and after about 20 minutes of seeing my contractions they checked me and I was at 3 1/2 cm. So I basically was told I'm not going anyway. They hooked up my IV and I was having such hard & strong contractions it was hard to keep still for her to put that damn thing in.

Well, while they were doing all of that, and I was in massive pain, I could feel pee coming out when I would contract....let me just say, ick! They asked me if I was sure it was pee, and I said, yes, because it stops after a while. So, not too long after that....I'd say about 11:20 or so, I was having a hard contraction, and BOOM! water broke, EVERYWHERE...luckily, I had a blanket covering my legs because that stuff just exploded out of my crotch and all over the table. --not even being dramatic here..was like a thrown water balloon that hits the pavement-- It was clear, which is good. They checked me again and I was at 8 cm! Which basically meant, no epi! :( Had to go COMPLETELY med free. It was probably 11:30 by then? They called my dr and told her she was needed, and she was there about 10 minutes later. My nurse basically told me "This is going to go really fast, hun". She couldn't have been more right. Once the dr got there, we basically got set up and ready to push. I think I only had to push 4 or 5 times (pushing would be 3 pushes that are 10 seconds long) and the little man was born. I honestly thought he was never coming out, but I am sooo gosh darn proud of myself that I went med free.

Little William Douglas was born at 12:07am on 12/10/11 weighing 7lbs 11oz and 19 1/4 inches long. And he's just perfect.

Well, I will have to post more pictures later. But I am so happy my little man came early.....ANNNNNDDDD I will say that I am a true believer in the power of the full moon.

*I'd also like to thank Lindsey for the shout out on her blog! Thanks hun!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Crazy!!! I'm jealous of how fast it went, but not of the no epi part :). Great job, mama!!
