Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Houston, We Have Dialation!

Went in for my 38 week check up today and we have dialation! I'm at 1cm and my cervix is starting to soften & is long. BUT it's still REALLY high, which suchs for being checked because she basically has to reach up to my throat to check it. But that's ok. I've been eating a little more spicy food lately (Chili, jambalya, jalapenos) to try and help with labor. --I know these things don't REALLY work, but here's hopin'!!-- I think all that it has done for me is given me terrible gas! haha. But, as many have been saying there is a full moon this Saturday AND a lunar eclipse....sooooo you never know!

Hmm...not too sure what else has been going on. Today I plan on getting the baby room picked up and a little more organized. Right now I can't even imagine bringing baby home to the mess that is in that room. But soon! Soon there will be a 4th person in this tiny little house and I couldn't be more excited!


Sunday my Packers played the New York Giants. OOHH Man was it a GREAT game!! It came down to the last few seconds and luckily our team was able to make it close enough to the goal that we were able to kick an easy field goal for the win. OOOOHHHH MAN! I'm sooooo freakin' excited that my team has done soo well this year! I am a little worried that I'll be in labor during one of my games....I know, how silly is that?....but I have no idea what channels the hospital does get and if I'll miss the game or not.

But we'll just have to wait and see if baby Will decides to come on a Packer game day or if he just decides to come a few days early like his brother.


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