Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Work Will Kill Me Yet!!

This is going to be the longest freaking work week for me yet. I already have to work the weekend, then throw me up there on Monday, just to make my life suck even more....UUUUGGGGGHHHHH!!!! I have 5 more days of work until I get 3 days off. Then I have to work Friday...then I have the weekend off and then I believe it's back to my normal short weeks. I've been slacking a LOT lately, and I know it. I just HATE working right now. I would rather stay home and get some more house stuff done since my parents is coming on Sunday to watch Colby for us and then they will be here again on Thanksgiving.

Speaking of Turkey Day...guess who's gotta work?!....YEP, ME. I guess it's alright tho. It ends up working out better that way for my parents. They can come done around noon and start getting the turkey ready so we can have a great feast that night. I might just have to get the relish tray ready the night before and then get all the other stuff ready the night before. That way, I can just either have mom prepare some of the stuff OR have it out and ready to prepare for when I get off work. I know my mom...she just always has to help. lol

I'm also really sad that I will miss kick off this saturday! But I've missed it before, and they will be watching at work. I'm not too sure if my Packers play on Sunday, or Monday. Monday is Ray's birthday, so I really want to take him out for dinner. We NEVER go out to eat, well, other then fast food, so this is a BIG treat! I'm just not too sure where we want to go. I'm thinking Skeeter Barnes would be a good place to go. I've been there once before and LOVED it. Need to check their website and check out their menu. We'll have Colby with us, so need to be sure there are kid meals avalible.

Will probably be making a vlog tonight sometime so I can update everything us from there.

Later ya'll!

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