Thursday, January 5, 2012

5 Days Left

In 5 days, my baby boy will be a month old! OH MY GOODNESS! I can't believe how fast this first month has gone. Feels like we've had him for a few months already. I am really surprised that I haven't given up on breastfeeding tho. I do think about giving up tho...mostly because I want to sleep at night and not get up to pump when I should. BUT, since we haven't had to suppliment at ALL since the first day we've been home, I don't see why I would stop now.

I also think that William has gotten pretty big since we've brought him home. Colby gained weight pretty fast when he was that tiny too...atleast from what I remember. I always thought something was wrong with Colby because he just wasn't gaining weight like every one elses babies were...atleast it seemed that way. I'm starting to wonder if William will be my chubby baby :)

Another thing that I have noticed that I do a lot is catch myself staring at William a lot. (Don't get me wrong, all new mothers do this with their children) But I keep looking at him and studying his face. I keep looking for differences between him and Colby. From what I have gathered thus far, Colby, I believe, is much more built like me. He's got pretty long legs, even tho he is still on the shorter side. William seems to have a little big shorter legs with really big thunder his daddy. I've noticed them when he first came out. Also, Ray had really weird toes..atleast 2 weird toes. William has the same thing. So he got his daddies toes..Colby doesn't have them.

Really can't wait until the 17th when we take William in for his 1 month check up. I'm really wanting to know how much my little man has grown. He weighed 7lbs 12oz when we last had him weighed and he had gained 7oz in 4 days! So I think that's pretty good! For whatever reason tho, I have a feeling he may only weigh about 8-9lbs. If he is close to 10lbs I will be shocked! But my parents keep commenting on the photos they see of him on facebook that he is really starting to fill out....which I completely agree.

So a weeks ago when my mother was down, we had gone down to the variety store to pick up a few things. While we were wandering, I was looking at their picture frames (because I LOVE picture frames) and came across one that I have never seen before. I found one that has brothers at the bottom of it. You can always find sisters or family or even friends but I have never seen one that has brothers on it. Well, a few weeks ago, I decided to go down and buy it. I just couldn't pass it up. The only other place that I would want to look to see if they had these would be Gordmans. But when in the hell am I going to get to Gordmans?? Probably never.

babies babies babies
Next weekend is really exciting because my cousin has her baby shower. She, I believe, is the first cousin on my mothers side to have a baby girl. All the rest of us have little boys. I feel terrible tho because I haven't boughten her anything yet. I wanted to order her the cutest little hat from etsy but haven't had the chance to do it yet. Thinking I'll order it in a few weeks then just send it to her in the mail. I really can't wait to meet her little one...mostly because I think she's going to be a red head :) Her husband is a red head and she has blonde we will see!!

Along with her, Ray's sister-in-law is due in Feburary by c-section. They're on their 3rd child. They have a boy and a girl already and this little bundle is another little boy....who is also grandchild #8.....crazy!

Then my co-worker is due in March (by c-section) and they are team green. I'm wondering what she's gonna have...hmmmm.

It's crazy to think tho that so many people are pregnant right's rather crazy...also, a lot of people are talking about wanting to have another baby which I find a little odd... Maybe because it's winter time??

Alright....think that's about all. We're going up tomorrow to look at the trail blazer and test drive it. Ray doesn't really want me to come along, mostly because if I go, then so do the kids. But unless he can find a sitter for a few hours, they're going with us. I have to see this car. Will keep everyone updated.

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