Monday, January 9, 2012

Let's Cruise Baby

I can not believe this weather! It's been sooo nice lately you would think that it's late October. Since it was so nice, Ray and I decided to load up the kids and go for a nice drive around the lake and around the towns. We wanted to see how well the Trailblazer rode, which is actually really nice!

While we were at the lake, we decided to scope out the camp areas. I've been wanting to go camping for the looongest time, and summer, it just didn't work out. So I decided that maybe around Easter time, I would talk to Ray's siblings and see if they would want to do a big family camping trip. Get a few camping spots in the same area and spend the weekend at the lake. I'm unsure if everyone would want to do it, but I think it would be really fun! I'm just unsure how well it will go over since most of us will have a child under the age of 1. lol. Oh well! William will be over 6 months (most likely) so sunscreen wouldn't be a big issue. Just have to wait and see.

After the lake, we drove around Alma for a little bit, then decided to head out to Stanford to see his brother's new house. --I was curious where they moved to-- On the way, we decided to drive around Orleans. He really wanted to show me the Catholic church that his mother goes to....why? Because he thinks it's such a pretty church to look at. Not to go to, but to look at.

Then after that we headed out to Stanford. Didn't drive around there too much. William started waking up, so we decided to head back to Alma.

On the drive back, Ray and I were talking about moving and what we would do with our house. I made the suggestion to have his little brother move in. --if we were going to have anyone rent, I think having family would be much easier to deal with then complete strangers-- Then we could move to Seward or around Seward and be closer to my family. I know he doesn't really care too much for the idea, but honestly, why not move if you could have more money?? and maybe a better house & more supportive family. I don't mind being close to his family, but I do miss being near my parents, and my dad is starting to get older and it really does scare me. But mainly, I want my kids to grow up around the grandparents that are actually INVOLVED in their lives. For my parents living 2 1/2 hours away, Colby seems to love them more then Ray's mother who only lives 15 minutes away. I don't know. Ray's dad is always working so we don't see him that often, but I think if we lived closer to Lincoln, we'd be closer to his dad's side of the family.

A lot was talked about, but there is never anything set in stone. So we'll see.

It was really nice to get out of the house and just be with my boys. Ray and I don't get out much as just us 2, so it's nice to drive around and talk. I know we need to get out more as just the 2 of us, but it's so darn hard when you have 2 kids and no one to babysit....reason why I think we should move.

But along with moving, another reason why I want to is because I'm sooo over my job. I love so many of the people that I work it, but the job itself is just not what I want to do with my life. I think if my mother could get Ray a job at Hughes Brothers making $15+ an hour, I could find a better part time job somewhere. I don't know.

That's about all I've got for now. Considering redoing my blog...seeing other people redo theirs makes me want to do mine, but I also really don't know what in the world I'm doing to change it! Sooooo I think it will be interesting to see if I can get it changed lol.

*Tomorrow I plan to post a 1 month photo of William:)

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