Sunday, September 4, 2011

After a long weekend...

....I finally now have a few days off! YEY!!! (insert happy dance) I actually think the weekend went by rather fast, but that could be because I left work before 2:30 each day. I actually got out at 2 today...LOVE IT!

Speaking of work....I was rather annoyed when I walked in this morning. I work back in the laundry department, and there is a spare key that we keep across the hall in the nursing station. We keep it there so residents or visitors can't get into these rooms. (when I say "3 rooms", I mean 3 doors. we technically have 3 rooms, a dirty, a clean and the linen closet) Well, when I walked in, I noticed that there was a certain resident sitting right in front of the laundry room door (the dirty, as we would call it) and I question that because he NEVER sits there. Well, when I got closer I noticed the spare key hanging on the hook that is on the door. He yelled at me "Hey!" and I said "What ____?" <<-- I will not use a resident's name here. He replies "can ya help me?" and he points up to the key. I walked over and snatched the key off the door and said "Sorry, ____. That's off limits". He grumbled, but eventually rolled off. When I put the key back, the charge nurse was sitting in the nurses station. I told her that they can't be leaving the key hanging on the door. Her "reasoning" was that the night nurses leave it there because otherwise one of them might leave it in their pocket and forget about it. OK, that's fine and dandy, but what about the residents? What if THEY get a hold of the key? There are so many damn chemicals sitting in that room that any of them could drink or spray that are harmful to them. Or what if one of them gets inside then falls or hurt? COMMON SENSE HERE PEOPLE!! They leave it there for "convenience" but then it also become convenient for residents as well. Sometimes I wonder if people really think things through.

Besides that little upset, nothing too much else happened today. I was on time with everything and surprisingly got finished with ALL my work by 2. I didn't leave anything to fold for my co-worker, so her job tomorrow shouldn't be too hard.

Speaking of tomorrow, it's Labor Day and I will be 25 weeks along!! Whoo hoo! Only 15 weeks to go! Crazy to think that tho. But, in celebration of Labor day, we will be going to some relatives house for a cook out and some time off.

As for the rest of the week, Tuesday we have a lady coming over to talk to us about thing involving our son. Then it's back to work, but not for too long. I had a great aunt pass away yesterday, so I will be scrambling for extra money to put gas in the car so I can appear at her funeral. I was unable to attend the funeral of her husband (my great uncle) so I feel like I owe it to her to be there. Also, she was a great woman. She babysat me a lot growing up and I have many great memories of her that I can never get back. After that, I don't have much else going on. I may just stay in town with my parents until Monday when I get paid again.

The best part of the day.....Sweet Home Alabama will be on again tonight. I LOVE this movie. I know its just silly, but it's a great movie. Never gets old.

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