Thursday, September 1, 2011

an old rant..

What I Hate...

I've just decided that I want to rant for a minute here so here it goes..
What I hate..
I really hate it when people think that they are sooo much better then everyone else. Honest to God, GET OVER YOURSELF! Its good to have self confidence but sitting there acting like you are the shit doesnt mean shit!
I really hate when people act so nice to your face then go behind ur back and talk shit. That is just wrong! If you dont like me, then act like it to my face.. I know if I dont like someone, they KNOW I dont like them... I dont hide it very well. I will get along if need be, but otherwise I dont care. If u dont like me, then dont talk to me, simple as that.
Fake people. Y would u go around pretending to be something ur not? Honestly? People just be urself, if someone doesnt like ur personality, u know what, fuck um! They werent worth being friends with anyway!
Whiners! I hate these people! Now, I know I am guilty of whining... but dear lord, do u really have to whine about every single God for saken thing on the planet? "There's mushrooms in this!".. so fuckin' pick them off! Its not that hard! "My car might get dirty" .. U know what, it's called a car wash..ever been there?
People that just dont know when to shut up. Ok, I know, I get annoying at times, but when I get annoying it's because Im either nervous or super ass hyper. I just cant stand the people who think they need to keep talking and talking and talking.. its like get to the point!
Attention Cravers.. I absolutely can't stand this type of person. They always think that they have to say the witty comments to get everyone looking at them. U know what, sometimes people dont know u or dont want to talk to u, so just give it up. Its good to talk, but when u start talking and say a lot of nothing... GRRR! Doing things for attention just gets annoying...
Clingy people. This type of person can drive anyone insane! Unless ur an attention craver. But honestly, I cant stand it when people get so super attached to u.. its drives me nuts! Dont call me every night for the past 3 weeks if we're not even together or dating. I mean, please! I have a life beyond u.
Narrow Minded People. These people r the hardest people to have a conversation with. I cant stand talking to someone who just doesnt open their mind to new things or is so persistant that its their way or its wrong.
Brutally Honest People. Now, I dont have a problem with honesty, but its when someone just has to go out of their way to talk crap to someone else because they dont like something. If u dont like what that person is wearing, then just keep that to urself, u dont have to go up to them and tell them how ugly their jeans r. Just be happy that ur not wearing them.
People that take everything the wrong way. I honestly can not stand this at all! My father does this all the time. If u say one thing to him that doesnt agree with what he is saying, then all hell breaks loose. (my dad is my biggest pet peeve) I just cant take it. Honestly, I hate when someone can make a joke about u but the minute u do the same thing, they freak out.
Hypocrites. Now everyone is guilty of this at some point in time. But its the people who will say one thing, then totally go against their word later. I hate that. I mean honesty, if u like something, dont be scared to say u like it. If u dont like something, dont pretend that u do.
Girly Girls. Ok, I dont have a problem with people who want to show that they are a girl, but dear lord, STOP GIGGLING OVER EVER GOD DAMN THING! I can't STAND it. When people r always giggling over the most retarded things. I hate it! UGGH!!! And those girls with the whiney voices.. OMG.. honestly, I will bitch smack u at some point.
People who disrespect their bodies.- yea I know, people who know me know that I've done this a few times in the past, but really, I dont want people to live my mistakes. U only have ONE body, u might as well take care of it.
I cant stand people who sterotype others. WHO CARES?! Honestly, have u every talked to someone black? Have u met EVERY mexican?.. I dont think so. Dont judge someone until u know them. Not everyone is like that. Not every girl is a slut, and not EVERY guy is a dick.
Oh yes, Liars, Cheaters, & Players... I can't STAND these people. Honest to God, lying never gets u anywhere in life! I know because I've lied enough in my life.. Cheaters.. ALL NEED TO BURN IN HELL! IF YOU'RE IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH SOMEONE, U STAY WITH THAT ONE PERSON! IF YOU FEEL ATTRACTED TO SOMEONE ELSE THEN YOU KNOW WHAT, YOU BETTER END THE DAMN RELATIONSHIP. I hate seeing other people get screwed over by others! Honestly, you cause so much more damage to their lives then you know! And Players.. what can I say about them... honestly, no one really gives a shit about how many girls u've "been wit".. who gives a flying fuck? I know I dont. No girl wants to be with a guy that has been with God knows how many other woman before her. Trust me, less is more in my book. I know I'm guilty of having my "fair share" of partners, but thats because its the players out there that lead u to believe that they are truely interested in U.. not the sex.. what a bunch of shit. I've learned the hard way, I dont want anyone else to.
Alright, I think I'm done... sorry for the bitching.. just wanted to get that out there.

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